From:Mark Virtue - HarmonySite <>
Sent:Friday, 7 December 2018 4:50:04pm
Subject:New icons - who was waiting for them?

Dear HarmonySite administrator,


[* embarrassed grin *]  We had some requests recently for our in-house graphic designer to create some new icons for the main Members page.  The new icons requested were...



Our graphic designer was away on holidays for a while.  Now she's back, and the icons are ready.  The only problem is, it's been so long since the icons were requested that I can no longer remember who requested them.  If you (or your group) had asked for any of these three icons in the past couple of months, please reply to this email, so that I know who you are.  I'll then install the icons for you.


Everybody else, sorry for the inconvenience!

